Will acepromazine kill a dog?

Acepromazine doesn’t have any pain-killing effects. Many dogs seem to be able to will themselves to overcome its effects, at least temporarily. This makes it less than ideal as a drug for dealing with aggressive or fearful dogs but there have not been better alternatives for medicating prior to the visit.

Is acepromazine good or bad?

Acepromazine is associated with certain recognized side effects. Veterinarians used to warn against its use in animals who are prone to seizures, but recent research shows that it is probably safe under these circumstances. Side effects that owners should be aware of include: Acepromazine may react with these drugs:

What are the side effects of acepromazine?

Common: Acepromazine will cause hypotension,decreased respiratory rate,and bradycardia.

  • Rare: fatal interactions with anesthetics have been reported.
  • Acepromazine will cause a dose-dependent decrease in hematocrit in both dogs and horses.
  • Penile paralysis is a rare but recognized adverse side-effect of acepromazine use in the horse.
  • How long does acepromazine last in dogs?

    Acepromazine can also be used to treat motion sickness and nausea associated with car or plane rides. The drug’s effect typically lasts six to eight hours but may be prolonged in certain cases. Give acepromazine 30 to 60 minutes before you need your pet to be sedated.
