What does 1776 stand for?

JR: (John here) 1776 signifies the overthrow of domination by one against the other. The times were unequal, and the founders were far from perfect, but 76 symbolizes the idea of freedom from domination. To equate the time period with the message is to conflate the two

What guns were used in 1776?

Pattern 1776 Infantry Rifle. The Pattern 1776 Rifle was built by William Grice, and was based on German rifles in use by the British Army during its time. About 1,000 of these were built and used by the British Army.

What historical events happened in 1776?

What Happened In History Year 1776. Home » History by Year » 1776. 1st January » American Revolutionary War: Norfolk , Virginia is Burning of Norfolk or burned by combined Royal Navy and Continental Army action. 10th January » Thomas Paine publishes his pamphlet ‘Common Sense (pamphlet) called Common Sense’.

What happened in history year 1776?

American Revolution Invasion of Canada. During the winter of 1775-76, an attempt by the Patriots to capture Quebec failed, and the buildup of British forces at Halifax, Nova Scotia, precluded that colony Debating the Declaration of Independence. Declaration of Independence. Campaigns of 1776 and 1777. The British move South, 1778-1783.





